VR-07 - Sonotanotanpenz - HE/ME
Our vinyl version of Sonotanotanpenz’s 2018 album HE/ME (originally released on tape by Cudighi Records in 2018) will be out on March 30th, 2024.
Our vinyl version of Sonotanotanpenz’s 2018 album HE/ME (originally released on tape by Cudighi Records in 2018) will be out on March 30th, 2024.
The third entry in our live tape series is now available through our Bandcamp page.
The second entry in our live tape series is now available through our Bandcamp page.
Our first entry in our live tape series is now available through our Bandcamp page.
Our second release, FOOD by wakeidesi, is now available through our Bandcamp page.